The Coastal Plains



Drive along the coastal plain highway to Caesarea, the once-maritime headquarters of the Roman Naval Fleet.  Caesarea, built by Herod the Great between 25 and 13 BCE served as an administrative centre of Judaea Province of the Roman Empire.


Coastal Plains - Akko - FormattedVisit Akko, a UNESCO site dedicated to the conquerors who ruled here…from Roman, Crusader, Ottoman and British Mandate period. Visit the museum of the underground prisoners where the 1947 outbreak provided Leon Uris’s novel Exudes, with one of its most dramatic moments.

Kfar Kedem

Coastal Plains - Kfar Kedem - FormattedEnjoy lunch in the style of the 5th Century at the “rabbinic” village of Kfar Kedem. You’ll ride donkeys, make pita bread and learn about the ancient iPhones; the Homing Pigeon, which was the communication system of the ancients that is still in use today.

Rosh Hanikra

Coastal Plains - Rosh Hanikra - FormattedDrive across Israel’s northern border to the Mediterranean Sea and descend to the turquoise sea grottoes of Rosh Hanikra.  Take a two minute cable car ride down to the grottoes.  Footpaths inside the cliffs lead from one huge cave to another.

Bahai Gardens

Coastal Plains - Bahai Gardens - FormattedVisit the Baha’i Gardens, also known as the Hanging Gardens. The gardend are made up of of nine concentric circles provide the main geometry of the eighteen terraces. The eighteen terraces plus the one terrace of the Shrine of the Báb make nineteen terraces total which is a significant number within both the Bahá’í and Bábí religions.

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